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What we believe


We believe in the historic creeds, Apostle's and Nicene Creed, and affirm our unity with all those who share these beliefs, regardless of whether they belong to other traditions or denominations.


We hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Shorter+Larger Catechism as it is a comprehensive, accurate summary of what the Bible teaches. 


We believe that the covenant of grace is the foundation of our worship as God calls his people into a relationship. Salvation in Christ is offered to those who believe and their children, therefore our worship reflects this covenant where Christ is freely offered by Word and Sacrament. 


We believe that the purpose of the church's existence is for the propagation of the gospel world-wide as Christ calls his people into the kingdom of God. We highly value evangelism and supporting missionaries as we partake in the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus. 


We value the discipleship of those in the church as we grow and share life together, encouraging one another in Christ for the goal of gospel-transformation and life changing renewal.  

Redeemer belongs to the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). For more details concerning our beliefs, please read the Westminster Standards.  

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